Our Juniors in particular get so much benefit from the lights as their evening coaching sessions can continue in the Autumn and Winter, allowing them to get the most from the sport. It is great to see so many get outside in the fresh air, off the sofa, and away from screens.
However the lights are getting older and the bulbs are needing replacing more frequently. Our Club have therefore been raising funds to replace them with more modern LED lights. These will not only give a much better light on the courts, they are also more efficient and longer lasting, reducing our regular maintenance costs.
We were very close to reaching our target of £14,000, but then the Pandemic hit. We need to find just £3,000 to get over the line and be able to provide bright, efficient, lighting to ensure we can continue playing tennis all year round and keep providing some of the best playing facilities for any club in the area.
We have set up a Just Giving fund to help us raise the final amount. Any amount you could give to help support the club would be very much welcome!
It would be great to hear about any events you might organise that help to contribute to this fund, and we will make sure everyone else hears about them as well.