
If you’d like to become a Riccall Tennis Club member, please complete the form below. Our yearly membership fees, or one-off visitor fees can be found here. Please use the account details below to pay via bank transfer. Once submitted you’ll receive a welcome email with a code to access the tennis courts.

Membership Form

Memberships run from 1st April each year. You can pay your annual membership fee or visitors fee by bank transfer using the account details below. Please ensure you include your surname as a reference.

RTC bank account details
A/C Number: 31194518
Sort Code: 40 40 29

    All contact with juniors will be via the named parent or guardian. By submitting this form, you give permission for the above named junior member to be involved in any publicity, including photographs and TV footage, surrounding activities organised by the club. By submitting this form you agree to abide by the club's code of practice.

    Join WhatsApp group? The club's WhatsApp group is the best way to keep up to date with goings on at the club. Please tick the box if you'd like to join our WhatsApp group.

    I will abide by the club's Code of Conduct

    2024-25 Winter Membership Fees

    Adult £90 £30
    Family Membership (2 Adults & children up to 16yrs) £100 £30
    Student – (University or College) £40 £15
    Junior – Secondary (up to 16yrs) £26 £10
    Junior – Primary £16 £8


    Occasional Fees

    Visitors (accompanying a member) £5
    Pay for Play (per hour) £10
    Floodlight use (per hour) £1 per court