At the start of last season (8th February 2023) the club had a total of £3,160.42 in the account.
Memberships for the year brought in £2,862, a decrease of £1,181 from last year, with 13 fewer members (48 vs 61).
The club received £160 from visitors fees, along with £429 from match fees, with one less team fielded.
The club received £32 from hosting three Wistow club nights, and £26 from member floodlight contributions.
The club received £20 per month from the Riccallish Allsorts acting group for prop storage in the clubhouse’s spare room, bringing in £260 (includes February 2023).
The total income for the year was £3,769.
£1,370.25 was spent on electricity for the year. The substantial increase from last year is largely due to the AGM being held early in 2023 (8th Feb) and not including a large bill in March of £520, which has been subsequently included in this year’s calculations. High inflation also contributed to the increase, however the current rate of 29.70p/kWh 56p/day (beginning Nov 2023) is much less expensive than the previous rate of 69.9p/kWh 100p/day, which should lead to a significant reduction in costs for the coming year.
Tennis balls purchased for the season totalled £432.
£162.06 was spent on equipment replacement, which included a new fire extinguisher, new padlock and floodlight fuse.
RSA affiliation increased from £300 to £400 for the year.
Website hosting for, domain name & online booking system were renewed at a cost of £180 for the year.
£54.40 was paid in standard banking fees from the club’s HSBC bank account.
£200 was spent on a deposit for a music band for Riccall’s fundraising night. and £117.60 was spent on printing two new signs for the club house and fence.
In total the club spent £2,916.31 during the 2023-2024 year, with an operating surplus of £852.69.
The account balance as of the 5th March 2024 stood at £4013.96, with just over £8 in the two additional accounts.
Financial details for the 2023-24 year (in purple) and the previous 4 years can be seen in the table below: