Our AGM is set for Thursday 13th February (7pm) and is open to all members. The meeting will be held in the bar area of the Regen Centre (hopefully the bar will be open). We’ll be establishing committee positions (don’t worry, we won’t be pressurising anyone to join the committee if that’s not for you!); presenting accounts and reviewing the year. It would be great to see as many members down there as possible.
Next week, we’re holding a meeting with a company who can service our courts on a regular basis for us. This includes moss killing; a full deep clean and patching up any cracked or damaged areas. He’ll also give some advice on how many years left he feels we have before having to resurface and repaint. We are hopeful that we can negotiate a service plan that will ensure this takes place every spring in preparation for a summer of tennis on perfectly prepared courts.
It has been decided that the clubhouse roof is now causing a number of issues and really needs to be replaced. Once this is completed, we can then look at carrying out some electrical work to hopefully bring the building up to standard. There is a substantial cost to this and so four funding bids have recently been submitted in the hope that some, if not all, are successful which will more than pay for this work and give funds to develop other areas sooner rather than later.
Exciting news…we’re currently planning a yearly club championship weekend, 4th-6th April is the weekend we’re looking at this year but this is only pencilled in at the moment, we’ll confirm at the AGM. We’ll be fundraising on the day to help the club pay for the servicing to the courts. Please show your interest on the poll in our WhatsApp group.
For forward planning we are hoping to arrange our next family fun event at Easter when the weather has improved. More details to follow (keep an eye on our Facebook page).
It’s great news that the tennis club and the Regen Centre are working closely together to support each other’s events. We’re hoping that there’ll be opportunities to make use of the centre’s bar for our family events and at other times which will bring the centre and tennis club much closer together. We’ve been told about some big events the Regen Centre will be holding this year such as a Carnival Day and a 25-year anniversary celebration of the Regen Centre that we’ll be fully supporting.
Junior coaching with Sasha and Andrew has continued with some new juniors joining over the winter. Junior classes are as follows:
· Mondays 9:15am – 10am: Tots tennis (2-4yrs)
· Mondays 4:45pm – 5:30pm: junior mini red alongside mini orange and green ball
· Mondays 5:30pm – 6:15pm: yellow full ball coaching (11yrs+)
· Wednesdays 4:30pm – 5:15pm: mini orange and green ball
· Wednesdays 5:15pm – 6pm: mini green and yellow full ball (11yrs+)
· Saturdays 8:15am – 9am: mini orange and green ball
· Saturdays 9:30am – 10:15am: tots tennis (2-4yrs)
· Saturdays 9:45 – 10:30am (11yrs+)
Sasha and Andrew continue to offer adult coaching as well as the extremely popular cardio tennis session on a Friday night! It’s a great workout if anyone’s fancies joining in! Days and times are as follows:
· Mondays 10am – 11am: Walking tennis
· Mondays 11am – 11:45am: Cardio tennis
· Mondays 12:30 – 1:30 Adult beginners and rusty rackets
· Wednesdays 5:30 – 7pm: Disability tennis
· Thursdays 1pm -2pm: Adult coaching
· Thursdays 2pm – 2:45pm: Cardio tennis
· Thursdays 5:30pm – 6:30pm: Walking tennis
· Fridays 6:30pm – 7:30pm: intermediate and advanced drills
· Fridays 9:15am – 10am: Cardio tennis
· Fridays 10am -11:30am: Ladies only coaching
· Fridays 11:30 -12:30: Adult beginners and rusty rackets
· Fridays 6:30 -7:30: Adult beginners and rusty rackets
· Fridays 7:30 – 8:30: Adult coaching
· Fridays 8:30 – 9:15pm: Cardio tennis (juniors welcome as well).
· Alternate Sundays 2pm – 3pm: Adult coaching
· Alternate Sundays 3pm – 4pm: Walking tennis
***Get in touch with Sasha on 07540 062281 to enquire about these sessions.***
Did you know that Sasha and Andrew sell pre-loved rackets and tennis balls? They have high quality rackets of all sizes which have all been re-gripped, re-strung and re-furbished. They also sell last season’s coaching balls. There’s also shock absorbers, tennis grips and key rings on offer! Get in touch with Sasha on 07540 062281 to enquire about these.
IT Sports (located at Clifton Moor, York):
If you are looking for brand new kit please get in touch with Sasha or Andrew as they are sponsored by this specialist racket shop (tennis, badminton, squash, pickleball, Padel) and can get great discounts for you.
We have not given up hope on our plan to incorporate Pickleball into our club. Finding a suitable day and time has proven to be difficult but we are committed to using the Regen Centre for this. At the moment, the slot we have is on Thursdays 9-10pm. We’re hoping that we can get enough numbers to get this going and then cross our fingers for a slightly earlier time. Keep an eye on the WhatsApp group for more information about the first session which is hopefully going to run on Thursday 20th February.
Greg has continued to do a great job in organising some doubles training for the men’s team on Sundays over the winter period ensuring we’re ready to go come the spring. If you’d like to be added to the men’s team WhatsApp group just let us know.
LTA Girls under 16’s final at Riccall Tennis Club and success in Leeds!
Due to the weather an LTA under 16’s final was rearranged and played at our courts recently. This was an exciting event and despite Evie losing, it was a lovely moment seeing an official tournament being played on our courts – hopefully something we can develop and run ourselves over the coming years. We also had success in a grade 4 under 9’s tournament at John Charles Centre for Sport with Alexander winning the competition – his first at the under 9’s age group!
That’s all for now, keep an eye on our website and social media for lots of coaching updates and club developments. Don’t forget, club night is on a Wednesday evening from 7pm, we’d love to see more members down there. Don’t worry about your level of tennis, we can easily match ability levels from total beginners to seasoned match players!
Kind regards,